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Company formation – different methods compared – UK company formation systems and formation of companies *

Company formation – terminology

If you are researching company formation in the UK on the internet there are various related terms you may wish to try such as limited company formation, company formations, company formation agents, UK company formation, company formation UK, UK limited company formations, ltd company formation, online company formation, limited liability company formation, company formations UK.

Company formation – existing or new company?

If you are seeking company formation services you may wish to enquire whether your proposed company formation agent or company formation system will be transferring an existing registered company (i.e. a shelf company) to you or forming a brand new company for you. (UKcorporator, the provider of this information, is a system for forming brand new companies.) If an existing company is being transferred to you, you will need to trust the company formation agent or other provider that the company hasn’t traded before.

Company formation – documents delivered electronically?

Many company formation agents will deliver the required documents to you by post or courier. Some (like UKcorporator) will send the documents to you electronically and immediately. (Click here to see what documents UKcorporator provides.)

Company formation – all required registers etc.?

If you are forming a company, you should ask the company formation service if you will be receiving all of the required company registers etc. Click here to see more about this. Some company formation services do not provide all of the required registers etc – this may leave the company and its officers in breach of the law and exposed to fines.

* This information is brought to you by UKcorporator – an online automated company formation system which will automatically and immediately generate, and automatically and electronically deliver online, all of the legally required documents for company formation, and all other documents which are legally required immediately following the formation of the company. Click here for more (‘FAQ type’) information.
