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Articles of Association
In England, Wales and Scotland the most common type of company is the private company limited by shares. Such companies usually register articles of association (often referred to simply as ‘articles’) at the time they are formed. The articles of association typically deal with such matters as issuing shares, share certificates, calls on shares, transfer of shares, alteration of share capital, purchase of own shares, general meetings, voting of members, number of directors, alternate directors, powers of directors, appointment and retirement of directors, disqualification and removal of directors, remuneration of directors, proceedings of directors, appointment and remuneration of company secretary, the keeping of minutes, dividends, accounts, capitalisation of profits and winding up.

UKcorporator provides articles of association for all types of company, including articles of association for private companies limited by shares, private companies limited by guarantee, private unlimited companies with a share capital and private unlimited companies with no share capital. The articles of association provided by UKcorporator contain modern provisions developed for current conditions. For more information about articles of association click here: articles of association.
