Use of symbols in company names

Companies House will accept the use in a company name of most symbols appearing on the average keyboard. By way of example, the following are acceptable:

@ at
# hash
£ pound
$ dollar
% percent
* asterisk
+ plus
= equals
< less than
> greater than

Companies House will give individual consideration to less common symbols. The main consideration for Companies House is whether the symbol can readily be reproduced, for example, on the certificate of incorporation and the Companies House names search facility.

Companies House will accept the presence of a symbol as a sufficient distinction between a proposed company name, which includes the symbol, and an existing registered company name without the symbol. For example, the name 'Q*Industries Ltd.' would be regarded as different from 'Q Industries Ltd.' because of the presence of the asterisk. (However, care would need to be taken in adopting such a similar name in view of the 'passing off' risk. Also, Companies House may (especially if the other company complains) subsequently issue a direction requiring the name to be changed on the basis that it is 'too like' the other company's name - section 28 Companies Act 1985. Both of these issues are discussed more fully in the guidance dealing with the question 'Is use of the proposed company name prohibited or legally unsuitable for any reason?'
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